"Doing together what we could never do separately."
Agency Programs and Services
Clothing Assistance (1) outfit every 30 days provided free of charge for each individual or family member once every quarter. When available, coats, boots, hats and gloves are also provided.
Food Pantry
Every $1.00 donated purchases $11.00 worth of food thru the Mid-Ohio Food Bank! A variety of wholesome, healthy food is available twice a month. Individuals and families receive the basic ingredients for 3 meals for 3 days – a total of 9 meals. Taxable items, when available, are also included. All locations are Customer Choice Pantries.
Financial Aid/Discretionary Fund
Assistance is available a maximum of two times per year for those with disconnect notices on utilities. Rent and deposit assistance is also available.
Medical Assistance
ISS offers assistance for prescriptions, with the exception of pain medications, and gasoline vouchers for out-of-county medical appointments.
Turn the Tide
A Christmas event that includes three programs: holiday food basket distribution, Tree of Sharing, and Adopt-a-Family. Established clients may sign-up for assistance with the holidays beginning the third week of October. Applications are being taken thru November 14 or until the maximum numbr of households is reached. To qualify, you must be at or below 185 % of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Please bring a current proof of residency and income. We will also require a Picture ID for the adults. If custody is an issue, we may ask for custody papers.
Other Services
Kiwanis "Coats for Kids" distribution point
AEP's Neighbor-to-Neighbor Assistance Program Information and Referral
We also provide a worksite for court-appointed community service workers and the Work Experience Program (WEP)
All services are dependent on availability; income guidelines apply.
Interchurch Social Services Contributions
Listed below is an area by area breakdown of contributions that have assisted those in need. The services include food and clothing assistance, financial assistance, transportation assistance, medical assistance, and voluntary hours.
2012 2013
Financial Aid – Utilities 174 160
Financial Aid – Housing 120 106
Financial Aid – Medical 115 107
Financial Aid – Gas Vouchers 194 186
Total $$ Spent $45,215 $47,965
Food Pantry Assistance 6350 7126
Clothing Assistance 2895
Volunteer Transportation – FISH 137 133
Referrals 171
New Clients 495
Volunteer Hours 5355